Getting Back on the Road to Care:
For a nursing assistant, her car wasn’t just a means of transport; it was a lifeline, allowing her to visit and care for her patients. When her car’s water pump failed, leaving her without a way to get to work, she was devastated. Without enough money to afford the repairs, she was at risk of losing her ability to support her patients and her own livelihood. The Alice Foundation stepped in once again, covering the cost of the repairs. In doing so, they didn’t just fix a vehicle—they ensured that a caregiver could continue her vital work, helping others in need. Thanks to the Foundation, she was back on the road, taking care of those who relied on her every day.
Healing Beyond the Physical:
A dedicated employee of many years faced a devastating setback after suffering a serious neck injury. The medical treatments were expensive, and despite her insurance, the mounting bills became overwhelming. As she poured all her resources into her recovery, she found herself unable to pay her rent for the month, adding financial strain to her physical pain. The Alice Foundation heard her story and immediately took action, covering her rent for that month. This critical support not only allowed her to stay in her home but also gave her the mental and emotional relief she needed to focus on healing. With one less burden to carry, she continued her path to recovery, knowing she wasn’t alone.
When Life Turned Upside Down:
A young caregiver who devoted her life to looking after others suddenly found herself in need of care. Her world shattered when her husband passed away unexpectedly, leaving her not only in deep grief but also in financial distress. With only her single income, she struggled to cover even the basic utilities that kept her home running. When The Alice Foundation learned of her situation, they quickly stepped in. Covering her gas and electric bills, the Foundation allowed her time to mourn without the added weight of unpaid bills looming over her. This support gave her the breathing room she needed to regain her footing and eventually rebuild her life.
The Warmth of Kindness:
In the heart of winter, an elderly woman living alone found herself in a dire situation when her furnace broke down. The cold seeped into her home, and with her limited income, she had no means to pay for the repairs. Desperation loomed as the days grew colder. Flash Heating Company responded to her service call, but when they discovered her financial hardship, they chose to do something extraordinary. Instead of just fixing the furnace, they took it a step further, donating the entire cost of the repair to The Alice Foundation. With this donation, The Foundation covered all repair costs, ensuring that the woman had the warmth and comfort she desperately needed. What could have been a freezing, lonely winter was transformed into a season warmed by the kindness of strangers.
A Last Goodbye:
A hospice patient in Boise was nearing the end of his life, and his daughter, who lived in Seattle, was desperate to see him one last time. However, the financial burden of last-minute travel was more than she could bear. She felt helpless, knowing that her father might pass before she could be there. In this time of crisis, The Alice Foundation stepped in, covering the costs of her travel and arranging a special dinner for her to share with her father. That evening, they sat together, talking, laughing, and cherishing the memories they had built over a lifetime. The next day, her father passed peacefully. The daughter later expressed her deep gratitude for the opportunity to share those final, irreplaceable moments with him. Without the Foundation’s support, she would have been left with a heavy heart of regret instead of a memory of love and closure.
Jeff’s Story:
Jeff is a Veteran who resides in Edgewood. He suffers from diabetes and was unable to walk outside of his apartment due to extreme pain. He required custom-made shoes in size 18 that could be adjusted for the wounds on his feet. Without other resources available, and due to his inability to walk to even the nearest store for food and supplies, he was no longer able to take care of himself. His social worker was encouraging him to move to the nursing home. When his home health providers learned about his needs, the Alice Foundation was able to help. They were able to fund the custom-fit shoes he needed to be independent and comfortable. Jeff remains living independently today.
Eleanor’s Story:
Eleanor was suffering from high blood pressure. Her home health nurses were having trouble getting it under control and couldn’t understand why the tried and true prescribed medication that had worked in the past wasn’t working. After some conversation, Eleanor admitted that she hadn’t been taking her medication. Because of some unexpected expenses, she had to choose between buying food or paying the co-pay for her prescription. The Alice Foundation was able to help Eleanor to purchase the copay she needed for not just a month, but several months of medications.
Billie’s Story: